Information about

Discontinuation of deprecated PHP-versions

We will shortly begin the process of removing older versions of PHP from our system. This is done because those versions no longer receive support from the developers, and therefore will become unsecure to use. The first PHP-version to be removed is PHP 5.5, which you are using for one or more of your websites. Those sites will will be upgraded to version 7.2 in two weeks. The sites may need to be upgraded to continue working correctly on the newer PHP-version, and you can try upgrading beforehand by going to domain and website > websites in the control panel and editing the sites in question.
It is also possible to upgrade the site to a version above 5.5 and below 7.2, but those versions are also planned to be removed within the coming six months. We therefore recommend that you also upgrade any other sites you might have that use PHP versions below 7.2. If you have any questions about this upgrade and how it might affect your site, you can contact our support via email,, or by phone, 0771-24 08 00.
Best Regards,
Loopia Hosting